Product tracking at every step…

Traceability has become a key element in the relation with clients, who require more and more transparency. Some of the more recent crises have shaken their trust, which they have begun to question: Where does the meat on my plate come from? Is it really beef? In case of a crisis, can I trust what I buy?...

The accurate identification of all products at different steps during fabrication makes traceability both efficient and reliable throughout all of our sites, upon product introduction, during its transformation, up to when the client is delivered.

Three main traceability objectives

  1. It is a regulatory duty to be able to quickly withdraw products from circulation or call them back,
  2. It makes it possible to recognize where responsibility lies between the company and its suppliers and/or clients,
  3. It is indispensable in the search for anomalies and in making sure they do not happen again.


Methods and tools

Servair has the capacity to guarantee full traceability at all its units, for all foodstuffs and beverages, in a manner suited to each product. The tools and methods in place make it possible to know:

– The destination of every processed product and food: From supplier or production plant data, Servair can find menus, clients and dates on which and to whom they were delivered (downward traceability);

– The origin of sold products: From client and consumer data, Servair can retrace food conversions, suppliers, and batches of raw materials (upward traceability). It is also possible to track a meat supplier, if necessary, the origin of beef and the different units where it was processed. Regular checks are organized to make sure these traceability systems are efficient.

An IT tool known as TRAÇAPRODIGE was developed at centers in Paris. Using bar-code reading technology, it allows the almost real-time tracing of foodstuffs, beginning with raw materials all the way to finished products. All inventories in cold storage rooms and all destructions in food zones are also followed-up by means of TRAÇAPRODIGE.