
Congratulations to the Servair’s Managers 2.0

For nearly 6 months and 105 hours of work, 265 Servair managers have chosen to follow the Bac +2 (T.P. Manager of Small and Medium Structure) or Bac +5 (Normandy School of Management) training. The objective of these training courses: to boost collective intelligence and harmonize managerial skills.

Through these two courses, managers were also able to discover the Perform Manager training, which is based on four sports values that can be transferred to the company: agility, collective, benevolence and courage.

It is therefore with pride that the 201 Servair graduates were presented with their certificates last Thursday, October 17, during a graduation ceremony in the impressive Concorde room of the Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace du Bourget.